Official Rules for Gelly Ball Games

These safety rules exist to help keep people safe, equipment safe, and to help everyone have fun. For specific game rules, click here.

  1. No players under age 6-ish.
  2. No faces without a mask while in the arena.
  3. No open toe shoes. This means wear sneakers.
  4. No shooting before or after the game.
  5. No shooting people or objects outside the arena.
  6. No shooting players who are out.
  7. No shooting people in the head.
  8. No jumping on or over bunkers or barricades.
  9. No sliding, diving, or barrel rolls.
  10. No blind firing. You must see your target.
  11. No taking the blasters apart.
  12. No disrespecting the equipment.
  13. Blasters point only at the ground until a game begins.
  14. Safety switch is always on unless you are in the arena.
  15. If you get hit, you must call yourself out!
  16. When you are hit or your blaster jams, raise it over your head and walk to the safety zone.
  17. Obey the referee.

All gellyball games are on the honor system. When you get hit, you raise your gel blaster gun over your head and walk to the back line on your side of the playing field. It doesn’t matter if the referee saw you get hit. 

gelly ball game rules

First Violation:  When a player is caught intentionally violating one of these Gelly Ball game rules they must sit out the rest of that game.

Second Violation:  Upon the second violation, a player must sit out that game and the following gellyball game.

Third Violation:  The player looses their privilege to play the rest of the day.



It is at the discretion of the referee (Watch Commander) to determine if the violation of  official gellyball game rules was intentional or accidental.

Again, the Gelly Ball game rules are not made to limit fun but to enhance the fun and to keep everyone safe. We ask the parents please respect the decisions of the Watch Commander.

Regulations image courtesy of Alpha Stock Images 

Stop sign image courtesy of Creative Commons

I’m ready for a Gelly Ball Game Party !


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